The story of the true pioneer of mobile internet since 1993
Welcome to my personal website. You will find different topics about my tumultuous life. A life "not like the others".
First of all, I would like to point out that I left school at the age of 14 and did not study anything except for an apprenticeship as a bicycle mechanic that I stopped before finishing. What I know, I learned on my own. Who really had the idea of connecting a public vehicle to the INTERNET? It was in 1994, in Geneva (SWITZERLAND) in a small one-room apartment. I was just a simple taxi driver who was quite imaginative and full of ideas. My father had bought me (1000.- CHF) a second-hand computer to keep me busy. Since I spent more time outside than at home, I had the idea of "putting" this computer in my taxi. At the time, it was the beginning of the public internet, with a landline and a MO.DEM (MOdulator/DEModulator) to connect and it was a small feat when it worked. So the idea came to me to make my taxi a sort of 2nd apartment. There were of course problems...
1: the power supply of the computer in 220 Volts (which turned out to be stupid since I should have thought that the power supply was in 12 Volts).
2: the connection through a mobile phone.
I will try to share the adventures that have marked my life.